
Steam Boilers

  • Published 3 year last on Oct 08, 2021


Steam Boilers

Super EQOS EQi Series


Super EQOS EQi Series

【Conversion evaporation】2,000・2,500・3,000・6,000Kg/h
Used fuel: LNG・LPG・Diesel・Kerosine




Boiler efficiency 98% Turndown ratio 5:1 (4-level control)
Due to the high turndown ratio, these boilers can be operated with 100% or higher boiler efficiency in a low-load zone.

EQi-2000・2500 EQi-3000 EQi(H)-6001NM


Dryness 99.5% or higher
In the range of normal usage pressure, high-quality steam can stably be supplied.

EQi-2000・2500 EQi-3000 EQi(H)-6001NM


Standardly equipped with an inverter
The feedwater pump and blower are controlled by the inverter.

EQi-2000・2500 EQi-3000 EQi(H)-6001NM


Jet film combustion 25ppm of NOx at low air ratio
Low NOx and CO emissions have been realized by low excess air combustion.
